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2018/2019 Chinese Government Scholarship Application

来源: 时间:2018年01月23日 浏览次数: 【字体:
2018/2019 Chinese Government Scholarship Application

The 2018/2019 Chinese Government Scholarship is now open for application. Online
application and the corresponding application documents should be submitted to application
receiving agency no later than April 1st, 2018. For more information, please refer to
http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or www.campuschina.org
Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must
- be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health.
- be a high school graduate under the age of 25 when applying for undergraduate programs;
- be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master’s programs;
- be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral programs;
- be under the age of 45 and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study when
applying for general scholar programs;
- be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) under the age of 50 when
applying for senior scholar programs.
Application Documents
a) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship(in Chinese or English).
b) Notarized highest diploma: Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of
student status by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or
English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
c) Academic transcripts: Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be
attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
d) A Study Plan or Research Proposal in Chinese or English. (A minimum of 200 words for
undergraduates, 500 words for non-degree students, and 800 words for postgraduates.)
e) Recommendation letters: Applicants for graduate programs or senior scholar programs
must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or
associate professors.
f) Applicants for music studies are requested to submit their own works. Applicants for fine
arts programs must submit their own works which include two sketches, two color
paintings and two other works.
g) Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians
in China.
h) Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of
the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy should
be kept by the applicant. The form designed by the Chinese quarantine authority can be
downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or www.campuschina.org. The
physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical
Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending
physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are
invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take physical examination as the result is valid
for only 6 months.
Please submit the following documents if applicable
i) Pre-admission Letter from Chinese Government Scholarship universities.
j) Language qualification certificate. e.g., HSK certificates, IELTS or TOFEL report.

2018/2019 学年中国政府奖学金生的遴选工作已经开始。符合条件的申请人需向有
关受理部门提出申请,可通过中国国家留学网(http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina 或
介绍等信息,获得推荐的候选人须于2018 年4 月1 日前完成网上申请及向受理部门提
●学习本科专业者,须具有高中毕业学历,年龄不超过25 岁;
●攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35 岁;
●攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过40 岁;
●作为普通进修生学习者,须具有大学二年级以上学历,年龄不超过45 岁;
4.来华学习或研究计划。(本科生不少于200 字,进修生不少于500 字,研究生不
少于800 字),用中文或英文书写;
人2 张素描画、2 张色彩画以及2 张其它作品;
7.年龄不满18 周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件;
8.来华学习时间超过6 个月的申请人,须提交《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件
无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效。检查结果有效期为6 个月;
2.语言能力证明。如HSK 成绩报告,雅思或托福成绩单。